Displaying Stereo Modes in Multiple Viewports

If you bring a clip containing a stereo track into Batch FX or Action, you can display multiple viewports in a stereo mode. You can apply a stereo mode to the entire clip or specifically to its left or right eye output.

Example: To display a a stereo mode in Batch FX:

  1. Select a clip containing a stereo track, or select its left or right eye output.
  2. Select Left or Right in the Results category of the View box for the selected viewport.

    The Stereo Off toggle appears in the viewport.

  3. Click the Stereo Off toggle and select from the stereo modes that appear.

    Show small imageShow large image

    Select: To display:
    Diff The difference between the two images, with the minimum and maximum threshold values non clamped.
    Diff Clamped The difference between the two images, with the minimum and maximum threshold values clamped. To adjust the maximum clamp value, press Shift+U and drag left or right. To adjust the minimum clamp value, press Shift+Y and drag left or right.
    Blend A combined image of the two tracks. To adjust the Blend factor, press Shift+T and drag left or right.
    Anaglyph Mono The image with just the anaglyph effect. The RGB values are removed from the display.
    Anaglyph Dubois The image with reduced ghosting between the left and right eyes.