Sculpt Model Using Displacement Map properties
Target Mesh

Specifies the model whose vertices will be displaced using a displacement map(s). Select the model name from the drop-down list.

Displacement Map

Specifies the image whose pixel values will be used to displace vertices on the Target Mesh. Click the browse button (...) to select an image from disk.

When multiple displacement maps have been previously extracted from Mudbox on a model containing multiple UV tiles, you need only specify the first UV tile image within the image tile sequence.


Begins the displacement operation. When multiple tile displacement maps were specified, the operation uses any values indicated by the displacement image map name (that, is UV tiles, and gain settings).

Delete This Operation

Exits the Sculpt Model Using Displacement Map operation without affecting the model.

Related topics

Sculpt using a displacement map

Prepare a model for sculpting

UVs overview