- Mesh
a new model in the 3D View based on the predefined sculpt
templates. Default models include: Basic Head, Bull, Cube, Plane, Reptile, Sphere,
and Tree Stump.
- Curves
Creates a pre-built curve based
on pre-defined geometric shapes. Default curves in the menu include: Circle, French
Curve, Square, and Straight Line.
- Camera
Creates a new camera.
To edit a new camera's properties you select it in the Object
List and then edit its properties in the Properties window.
- Lights
Creates a new light.
The light options are: Directional, Point,
and Image Based. A Directional light
is the default light for the 3D View.
Select the light in the Object List and
then edit its properties using the Properties window.
- Materials
Creates a new material. The
default material types are: Mudbox Material, Simple
Blinn, Lit Sphere Material, and CgFX-based Material.
Select a material in the Object List to
edit its properties using the Properties window.
- Selection Set
Creates a selection set composed
of the selected faces and objects. The selection set appears in
the Object List and selects the
associated items when selected.
Create and edit lights
Create and apply materials