Hotkeys > 
Timeline Sort Modes

Use the following hotkeys to sort the shots in your timeline.

Press: To:
Alt+F9 Sort the shots using A-mode sort and enable heads and tails.
Alt+F10 Sort the shots using A-mode sort and disable heads and tails.
Alt+F11 C-mode sort by EDL reel name and enable heads and tails.
Alt+F12 C-mode sort by EDL reel name and disable heads and tails.
Ctrl+Alt+F11 C-mode sort by folder name and enable heads and tails.
Ctrl+Alt+F12 C-mode sort by folder name and disable heads and tails.
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+F11 C-mode sort by DPX reel name and enable heads and tails.
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+F12 C-mode sort by DPX reel name and disable heads and tails.
Alt+F8 Disable sort mode.