Processing Text Clips

You can process clips in progressive or interlaced rendering. Interlaced rendering produces a better result, especially if you use keyframes that are far apart, but it takes longer to process. You should preview the quality of the image and the text before you process the final clip.

To process a clip with text:

  1. From the Rendering box, select Interlaced, Progressive, or As Back (to render using the mode of the back clip).

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  2. From the Process Mode box, select which clip gets processed.
    Select: To:
    RGB Process only the text on the back layer.
    Matte Process only the matte of the text. The text fill transparency attribute is transferred to the matte. By generating a matte, you can easily composite the text onto another clip.
    Both Process the text on the back layer and the matte of the text. The fill transparency is removed from the text and transferred to the matte.

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  3. Click Setup.
  4. From the Setup menu Rendering section, select the sampling level from the Auto-Softness box.
  5. Set other options as required.
  6. Position the clip at the first frame or the specific frame where you want to start processing.
  7. Click Preview.
    TipYou can zoom (Ctrl+spacebar) or pan (Ctrl+Shift+spacebar) the image window while in Preview mode. To disable Preview, make a modification to the text or processing options, or click anywhere in the image window.
  8. Make modifications to the text and processing options and preview until you are satisfied with the result.
  9. When you are ready to process the text clip, click Process.

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    The clip is processed from the currently displayed frame until the end of the clip.