Importing a Sequence from a Gateway Library

Drag & drop XML and AAF files linking to file-based material to import a sequence and related sources. To import an EDL, or capture an XML or AAF containing tape-based material, see Importing EDL Files, Importing AAF Files, and Importing Final Cut Pro XML.

To import an XML or an AAF sequence:

  1. Open the Clip Library menu.

    In the Main menu, click Library.

  2. Set the Library Mode box to Dual View.

    The Library View Mode button is located in the top-left of the Clip Library menu.

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  3. Using the Network menu, connect to a Gateway library.

    Open the Network menu, and use the Gateway to select the directories which contain the sequence to import. A Gateway appears under a workstation name, just like a Framestore.

  4. In one view, open the local clip library to where you want to import the sequence. Use the Clip Library box.

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  5. In the other view, open the Gateway library from where you want to import the sequence. Use the other Clip Library box.
  6. In the Gateway library view, navigate to the directory that contains the sequence you want to import.
  7. Drag and drop the sequence from the Gateway library to the local library.

    As soon as you drop the timeline in the destination library, Flame processes the timeline according to the import sequence settings defined in the FCP XML/AAF menu.