Hiding Parts of an Image

In the Wipe Editor, Garbage Mask, and Action scene-based schematics, you can hide selected objects. For example, if you are working on a specific surface, you may want to temporarily hide other objects from the scene.

To hide objects:

  1. Select the part of the image to hide (from the scene or the schematic), and then choose an option from the Selection Mode box.

    In the following Wipe Editor example, the branch of the axis2 node is selected.

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    (a)  Selected branch of axis2 node

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    (a)  Mask corresponding to branch of axis2 node

  2. Click Hide.

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    The selected objects are marked “(hidden)” in the schematic and do not appear in the scene.

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    (a)  Hidden nodes

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    Mask corresponding to axis2 and geom2 nodes is hidden

To unhide nodes:

  1. Make a selection from the schematic and from the Selection Mode box for the part of the image that you want to have reappear.
  2. Click Hide.

    The part of the image that you hid reappears.