Saving and Loading Grain Management Setups

If you have a series of clips originating from the same shoot from which you want to remove grain or to which you want to add grain, saving and loading setups greatly accelerates the process. Although the current clip may require particular tweaks from a setup that was created for another clip, loading the initial setup takes care of the preliminary steps and gives you a good starting point.

By default, DeGrain setups are saved in your project's ~/degrain directory and use the .degrain extension. ReGrain setups are saved in your project's ~/regrain directory and use the .regrain extension.

To save setups in DeGrain or ReGrain:

  1. In the DeGrain or ReGrain menu, click Save.

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    The file browser appears.

  2. Set a location for the setup file, enter a name, select Setup from the Save Mode box, and then click Save.

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    NoteTo avoid file compatibility issues between platforms, ensure that your file name does not contain any of the following characters: ` # ~ @ $ % ^ & * ( ) [ ] { } < > \ | / ! ? , ; : ' "

To load setups in DeGrain or ReGrain:

  1. In the DeGrain or ReGrain menu, click Load.

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    The file browser appears.

  2. From the Load Mode box, select Setup, locate the setup file that you want to load, and then click Load.

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