Multiple Views

Use these hot keys when working with multiple views in Action.

  Press: To:
  Shift+1 Set the selected viewport to Result view
TipShows the scene viewed from the camera.
  Shift+2 Set the selected viewport to Front view (from behind the default camera position)
TipDo not confuse this with Media Front view (see hot key 7 in this table).
  Shift+3 Set the selected viewport to Side view
  Shift+4 Set the selected viewport to Top view
  5 Set the selected viewport to Schematic view
  Esc Toggle between Schematic and current view
  6 Set the selected viewport to Source view
  7 Set the selected viewport to Media Front view
TipDisplays the front clip for the media selected in the Media list. You cannot modify the clip or media in this view.
  8 Set the selected viewport to Media list
  9 Set the selected viewport to Priority list
  I Toggle the display of icons (object axes and control points)