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Home: Smoke
Setting Playback Resolution and Mode
Setting Player Display Options
Playing Clips at Their Native Framerate
Reversing Player Dominance on the Broadcast Monitor
can toggle between default Player dominance and reversed Player
dominance on the broadcast monitor. For example, when playing a
PAL clip, which is field 1 dominant, reversing the Player's dominance
results in the clip playing on the broadcast monitor with field
2 dominance. See
Managing Field Dominance.
This reversal is not committed to the clip,
nor does it affect the clip's display on the graphics monitor.
reverse the Player dominance on the broadcast monitor:
- Click the Player Options
- As
the clip is playing, Ctrl-click
Full Res in the Player to toggle between reversed Player dominance
and the default Player dominance.
The field dominance of the Player output on
the broadcast monitor is toggled. This affects all clips output
to the broadcast monitor from the Player in the current session
of Smoke.