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Home: Smoke
Adding Effects to Media
Adding Effects to Media
Cropping a Clip
Blurring a Clip
To blur the front,
matte clip, or back clip for the selected media, use the Xblur and
Yblur fields. The Xblur field controls the amount of blurring on
the horizontal (X) axis, and the Yblur field controls the amount
of blurring on the vertical (Y) axis.
NoteIf you apply the media to more than one
surface, all the surfaces are blurred.
You can use a Gaussian (Gaussian enabled) or
a Box blur (Gaussian disabled):
- Gaussian
blur has rounded, smoother edges. It is a better blur for animation
because it can be blurred on a subpixel level (0.00).
- Box
blur has rectangular, rougher edges.
blur the front clip of media:
- In Action,
click Media.
- Select
the front media.
- To
use a Gaussian blur, double-click the Gaussian field (otherwise
a Box blur is applied).
- Set
the blur using the Xblur and Yblur values, and then negate the values
for the Blur fields on the matte media. For example, to blur only the
front clip 10 pixels on both axes, set the front Xblur and Yblur
fields to 10 and the matte Xblur and Yblur fields to -10.
over the XBlur or YBlur field to change both values proportionally.
blur the matte clip of media:
- In Action,
click Media.
- Select
the matte media.
- To
use a Gaussian blur, double-click the Gaussian field (otherwise
a Box blur is applied).
- Set
the matte Xblur and Yblur fields. Blurring only the matte clip produces
a softer edge on the surface of the front clip.
over the Xblur or Yblur field to change both values proportionally.