Setting the Ripple Mode

When you gesturally insert new material into a timeline or overwrite existing material with new material, you determine what happens to your edit sequence with the Ripple mode.

When Ripple is on, the overall length of the edit sequence is affected when you add a clip to the edit sequence. The duration increases (“ripples”) to accommodate the added material.

When Ripple is off, the overall length is not affected when you add a clip to the edit sequence. The timecode and frame count are unaffected. Depending on the type of edit, the new clip either overwrites the underlying clip, or the new clip is timewarped (expands or contracts) to fill the same number of frames as the clip it is replacing.

The Ripple mode also affects what happens when you remove material from the edit sequence. When Ripple is on, the edit sequence collapses to fill the gap left by the removed clip. When Ripple is off, removing a clip leaves a gap.

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To enable Ripple mode:

  1. Select Editing from the Menu Priority box and then enable Ripple.

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  2. Select an option from the Ripple Direction box.
    Select: To:
    Start Ripple all clips preceding the selected clip or transition. The clips following the selected clip or transition are unaffected.
    End Ripple all clips after the selected clip or transition. The clips preceding the selected clip or transition are unaffected.
    NoteYou only need to enable Ripple mode when editing gesturally. If you edit using hot keys, the hot key determines whether your edit ripples (regardless of the status of the Ripple button).