Replace Edits

Replace is an overwrite edit where the edit sequence does not ripple. If the source clip is a different length than the element it replaces, the source clip is shortened or lengthened proportionally to fit the duration of the replaced element. This creates a timewarp effect with a mix value of 0.

To replace elements gesturally, Ripple must be off. The replace hot key never ripples regardless of the Ripple mode.

In the following illustration, New Clip replaces Clip B. Although New Clip is longer than Clip B, the overwrite operation does not change the duration of the record clip. Only the exact number of frames in New Clip that are needed to fill Clip B are used.

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To replace gesturally:

  1. View the edit sequence in Storyboard view.
  2. Disable Ripple.
  3. Scroll the record clip until you see the shot you want to replace.
  4. Drag the source clip to the middle of the shot in the record clip and release when you see the replace cursor.

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    (a) Clip to be replaced  (b) Source clip  (c) Replace cursor (green)  (d) Duration of sequence before replace  

    The edit sequence does not change duration to accommodate the new clip.

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    (a) Source clip  (b) Duration of sequence after replace does not change  

To replace using the hot key:

  1. View the edit sequence in Storyboard or Record Timeline view.
  2. Select the new source in the Source Area.
  3. Select the element you want to replace:
  4. Press J.
    NoteTo replace the media in multiple selected elements, press Ctrl+J.

To replace in the schematic:

  1. Set the record and source clips.
  2. In the record timeline, select the element you want to replace, or place the positioner over the element.
  3. Press J.