Searching for Clips

Use the Search menu to find a clip or a set of clips in the current clip library.

To search for a clip:

  1. From the Clip Library menu, click Search.

    The Search menu appears.

    Show small imageShow large image

    (a) Search option box  (b) Argument option box  

  2. Select an option from the Search option box and use the Argument option box and field to supply the necessary arguments for that option.
    Criteria Option Specify Possible Arguments
    Name A clip name Is Equal To; Is Not Equal To; Contains; Does Not Contain; Is Less Than; Is Greater Than; Matches Pattern
    Soft-import n/a Contains; Does Not Contain
    Clip History n/a Contains; Does Not Contain; Intermediates; Intermediates+Src; Sources—When using Intermediates, Intermediates+Src, and Sources, select a result clip that has clip history. The clips that are found are the intermediates and/or source clips associated with the selected clip.
    Source TC A source timecode Is Equal To; Is Not Equal To; Is Less Than; Is Greater Than; Contains; Does Not Contain
    Record TC A record timecode Is Equal To; Is Not Equal To; Is Less Than; Is Greater Than; Contains; Does Not Contain
    Date The date the clip was last modified Is Equal To; Is Not Equal To; Is Earlier Than; Is Later Than
    Clip Length The length of time of a clip Is Equal To; Is Not Equal To; Is Greater Than; Is Less Than
    Audio n/a Contains; Does Not Contain
    Resolution The clip's size, depth, aspect, or scan format Is Equal To; Is Not Equal To; Is Less Than; Is Greater Than; Is Less Or Equal; Is Greater Or Equal
    Archive Date A date and time the clip was archived Is Equal To; Is Not Equal To; Is Earlier Than; Is Later Than; Whenever; Never
    Tape A tape name or number Is Equal To; Is Not Equal To; Contains; Does Not Contain; Is Less Than; Is Greater Than; Matches Pattern
    Comment A comment made about the clip Is Equal To; Is Not Equal To; Contains; Does Not Contain; Is Less Than; Is Greater Than; Matches Pattern
  3. Optional: Enable Select Hierarchy if you want your search results to include the reel or EditDesk for the clips which match your criteria.
    TipThe Select Hierarchy option is useful when you archive in two passes. For example, if you archive all video material to a video archiving device and then all non-standard resolution material to another device, the structure (reels and EditDesks) between archives is preserved.
  4. Click Search to perform the search.

    If a clip is found, the clip is automatically selected in the Search module. If a match is not found, the message “No matches” appears in the message bar.

  5. Click Load to load the selected clips to the EditDesk.