Capturing Single Clips

You can capture a single clip from a VTR. You can do this on the fly with your in and out points determined by mouse clicks during playback, or be more precise by setting in and out points in the corresponding fields.

To capture a single clip:

  1. Cue up the tape to the frame at which you want to begin capturing.
  2. Do one of the following:
  3. To begin capturing, click Process.

    The timecode field turns green, indicating that capture is in progress. Depending on your hardware configuration, the preview window may go black during capture.

  4. To end the capture at any time, click the cursor anywhere over the preview window.

    Depending on your project proxy settings, a post-process may occur, generating proxies for each captured frame. You can see a notification on the process that is taking place in the message bar.

    Once all capture-related processes are complete, the clip is saved to the location from which you entered the Input Clip menu.