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Home: Smoke
Relinking to Already Captured Material

Importing AAF Files

Supported and Unsupported Transitions and Effects
The information in this section indicates how AAF
data, transitions, and effects map to Smoke data, transitions,
and effects. There are three levels of support that can be indicated
for each:
- Translated:
Parameters from the AAF file are read and translated as Smoke Soft
Effect Parameters.
- Converted:
The effect type is converted without parameters from the AAF file
to a Smoke Soft Effect or Transition. Some effects are recreated
with a similar effect. Some are only recreated as an empty effect.
- Not
supported: The effect is not supported and replaced by a comment
or by a default transition or effect.
In addition, the following restrictions must
also be taken into account:
- Only
flattened Photoshop (.psd) files are supported (layered files will
be imported as flattened in Smoke).
- Only
RGB material is supported, not RGBA.
- Graphics
files of resolutions bigger or smaller than the timeline are imported
as Center/Crop mode only.
files that contain MP3 media files cannot be relinked on Smoke for
Linux, since the MP3 file format is not supported on Linux.
- Nested
effects are not supported.
- All
video and audio tracks for each sequence must be imported.