Use these hotkeys in the Secondaries menu.
Press: | To: |
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, -, = | Switch between the 12 secondaries' setups. |
, (comma) | Show or hide a geometry. |
R | Reset all secondary colour correction parameters for the current shot. |
Shift+D | Enable Del Geom, and then delete a geometry. |
A | Enable Add Pts, and then add vertices to a geometry. |
D | Enable Del Pts, and then delete vertices from a geometry. |
Z | Enable the Rotate button, and then click on the geometry's axis to rotate. |
Right-click-drag | Rotate the geometry when you right-click its axis and drag. |
Click-drag (on Z-axis) | Proportional scale left. |
T | Enable the Move button, and then move a geometry's axis, vertex, or tangent. |
X | Enable the Scale button, and then scale a geometry. You can scale a geometry along the X-axis, Y-axis, or you can scale it proportionally using the Global Scaling axis. |
Backspace (tracking) | Delete the latest tracked position. |
Right-click (basic geometry) | Convert a basic geometry to a free-form geometry. |
Ctrl-click (free-form geometry) | Break or repair a tangent handle when you click one of the geometry's vertices. |
Alt-right-click | Offset the axis. |