Change Cut

The change cut option allows you to apply the grade settings from the current cut to the new cut. The grade is applied to the new cut based on the Match Options. In this release of Lustre, there are a few new keywords added to the Custom list.

Select: To:
DLEDLOrigin Match the image import path and file name of the timeline coming from the Wiretap server.
DLEDLSourceId Match the media source’s unique ID of the timeline coming from the Wiretap server.
DLEDLSegmentId Match the segment’s unique ID of the timeline coming from the Wiretap server.
EDLComment Match the unique comment that is applied to the original cut from another application.

For example, when you assemble an EDL based on the record timecode, you can perform a change cut using the Source option. Since Lustre preserves all the source information in the cut file, it is able to compare cuts for matching metadata and apply the correct colour grading decision.

Lustre can also apply grading to a new cut on a shot-to-shot (and layer-to-layer) basis, regardless of any matching criteria.

For more information about the change cut option, see Changing a Cut.

NoteThe new keywords also apply to the Match Grade option.