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Chapter 15, Secondary Colour Grading
Changing the Priority Order of Geometries

When you create several free-form geometries on a secondary layer, you can change the order in which they are drawn, or layered in the scene. This affects the resulting image because a geometry with a higher priority has precedence over one with a lower priority. You can use the priority order to create complex colour effects involving multiple geometries.

To set the priority of a mask:
  1. Select the geometry.

  2. Enable Schematic to display the priority order buttons.

    Show full-size image

    1. Priority order buttons

  3. Do any of the following:

    Click: To move the geometry:

    Show full-size image

    To the top layer.

    Show full-size image

    To the bottom layer.

    Show full-size image

    Down one layer.

    Show full-size image

    Up one layer.

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