Analysing the Image Previous Next Colour Grade Animation

Chapter 12, Colour Grading: Basics
Saving and Loading Presets Using the Presets Lists

To increase the efficiency and speed of the colour grading process, you can save a limited set of the colour grading parameters that you plan to reuse on a regular basis. These predefined settings, or presets, are saved on a menu-by-menu basis and are stored in the Presets lists.

Hint: You can also save up to three Key presets to the Secondaries menu. See Saving and Loading Key Presets.

Saving Presets Top

Save settings from the current Colour menu to a preset. You can save settings to the following Presets lists:

Note: Primary presets are accessible from the Grading menu.

Note: Saving to a preset saves the settings currently displayed in the Player. For example, if you save to a preset in the middle of a colour dissolve or animation, this timeline position is saved to the preset file. Saving to a preset is a good way to save and load animation keyframes.

To save a preset:
  1. Do one of the following:

    Hint: You can also save a Key preset directly to the Secondaries menu. See Saving and Loading Key Presets.

    The affiliated Presets list appears. For example, if you right-clicked the Grading menu, the Primary presets list appears.

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  2. In the Colour menu, make any necessary modifications to the settings to create the colour look you want.

  3. In the Presets Name field, enter a name for the preset, and then click Save.

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    Note: Spaces are not permitted in naming conventions. It is recommended that underscores be used instead of spaces when working on either Linux or Windows.

    The settings in the current menu are saved to the preset. The preset appears in the Presets list.

    Hint: To save the settings to an existing preset, select the preset in the Presets list.

Loading Presets Top

Increase efficiency by loading presets to the current shot when you want to reuse Colour menu settings. Preview the effect a preset will have on a shot before you apply the settings.

To load a preset from a Presets list:
  1. Do one of the following:

    Hint: You can also load a Key preset directly from the Secondaries menu. See Saving and Loading Key Presets.

    The affiliated Presets list appears. For example, if you right-clicked the Grading menu, the Primary presets list appears.

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  2. Select a preset in the list.

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    The image in the Player is updated with the settings from the preset so that you can preview the effect.

  3. Do one of the following:

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