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Chapter 1, Introduction
Lustre Configurations

When you purchase Lustre, you can choose from several configurations, depending on the type of workstation you want and the options you require. The following table describes each Lustre configuration.

Station Configuration
Master Station Default--All features are available including the DI Pack, which consists of infrared channel dust removal, input resolutions greater than 2040x1556, output resolutions greater than 1920x1080, and bit depths greater than 10-bit. However, add-ons may be required to enable certain features. In addition, SD and HD I/O, as well as dual link and HSDL video formats, are default for the Master Station.

Add-Ons--The following features can be added to the Default configuration: the Slave Renderer, and up to three panels for the Autodesk control surface. The Slave Renderer requires a separate license.
Lustre Station Default--All features are available except for primary and secondary colour grading. The DI Pack, explained above, is also included, along with full dust removal functionality, and the ability to create geometries and masks.

With Primary Colour Correction--Includes all features of the default option as well as primary colour grading.

Add-Ons--The following features are available for either the Default configuration or the With Primary Colour Correction configuration, and require an additional license: SD and HD I/O, dual link and HSDL video formats, up to three panels for the Autodesk control surface, and the Slave Renderer.
Lustre HD Station Default--Most features are available, although support is not available for the DI Pack (explained above). Certain features require add-on licensing in order to be enabled.

Add-Ons--The following features can be added to the Default configuration: SD and HD I/O, dual link and HSDL video formats, the Slave Renderer, and up to three panels for the Autodesk control surface. The Slave Renderer requires a separate license.

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