Working with Expressions in the Channel Editor

You can apply, modify and view expressions using the Channel Editor. You can use the copy and link functionality to quickly apply basic expressions to multiple channels.

WarningExpressions override interpolation modes and previously set keyframes for a selected channel.

To apply an expression to a channel:

  1. In any module menu, click Animation.

    The Animation controls appear.

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    (a) Channel View box  (b)  Reset Channel button  (c) Expressions button  

  2. From the Channel View box, select Info.

    Channel information appears in a tabular grid for easier viewing of expressions and channel details. From Info view, you can click the Expressions column heading to sort by expressions and view them more easily.

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  3. Select the channel to which you want to apply an expression.
  4. In the Animation controls, click Expression (or press ).

    The Expression field appears below the Channel Editor.

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    (a) Expression field  

  5. Enter an expression according to the guidelines described in Operator Reference and Function Reference and press Enter.

    The letter 'e' appears next to the channel in the channel hierarchy, indicating that this channel contains an expression.

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    (a) Expression indicator  

    NoteEntering an invalid expression will result in the message “Error: Expression: parse error” and the entered expression will not be applied to the channel.

To modify an expression:

  1. Click Animation to display the Animation controls.
  2. In the channel hierarchy or Info view, select the expression that you want to edit.
  3. In the Animation controls, click Expression (or press ).

    The Expression field appears below the Channel Editor.

  4. Modify the expression in the field and press Enter.

    The modified expression appears in the table.

    TipWhen you are in the Expression field, you can press Up one or more times to retrieve its previous contents. This can be useful if you want to correct an invalid expression that you recently entered.

To remove an expression:

  1. Click Animation to display the Animation controls.
  2. In the channel hierarchy or Info view, select the channel with the expression that you want to remove.
  3. Click Rst Chn to remove the expression.

    The channel is reset.