
imcopy [-f] <format> [-c] <channel format> [-m] <output image compression> [-o] <origin of source> [-s] <source width and height> [-d] <width and height of destination image> [-t] <destination aspect ratio> [-l] <full path of input lut file> [-w] <full path of output lut> [-v] [-b] <r,g,b values of background> [-i] <bits per pixel in internal buffer> [-e] <bits per pixel of output image> [-u] [-k] <crop setting> [-q] <resize quality> [-D] <scan mode> [-F] <framecode mode of clip> [-j] <jpeg compression factor> [-a] [-A] <audio file name> [-x] [-M] [-n] <physical device> [-p] <image pan x,y values> [-P] [-T] <timecode> [-O] [-g] <proxy generation setting> <in file name and path> <out file name and path> <start index> <stop index> <step factor>

Where: Is:
<in file name and path> The name of the file that you are inputting.
<out file name and path> The name of the file that you are outputting.
<start index> The start frame of the file.
<stop index> The end frame of the file.
<step factor> The frames of the file that you are outputting.