Selecting a Colour from the Colour Pots

Select from 1 of 15 preset colours in the colour pots. You can also store custom colours in the colour pots.

To select a colour from the colour pots:

  1. Click a colour pot to open the colour picker.

    The Current Colour pot and Reference Colour pot both display the incoming colour.

  2. From the Mode box, select Pot.

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  3. Click one of the colour pots to apply the colour to the Current Colour pot.
  4. To apply the selected colour, click the Current Colour pot.

To customize the colour pots:

  1. Click a colour pot to open the colour picker.

    The Current Colour pot and Reference Colour pot both display the incoming colour.

  2. Use the colour picker to apply the colour that you want to store to the Current Colour pot.
  3. From the Mode box, select Pot.
  4. Click and hold on the pot in which to store the selected colour.

When you select Pot from the Mode box, Save and Load buttons appear at the bottom of the colour picker to save custom sets of colour pots. See Saving Setups and Preferences.