Schematic Settings

Use these settings to define how you work in the Action schematic.

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Display Info boxLets you select whether to display resolution, framerate, size, or any combination of information in the Schematic view.

Schematic Transparency fieldMakes unselected nodes appear transparent in the Schematic view.

Auto Parent buttonEnables automatic parenting in the schematic. Press Alt and drag a node in the schematic to disable Auto Parent temporarily.

Proxy Update buttonActivates automatic updating of proxies in the Schematic view. Interaction is slower when this button is enabled.

When Proxy is disabled, Action updates proxies when you switch views. You can also update proxies by clicking Update.

Snap To Grid buttonEnable to position objects with precision in the scene. When you move an object in the scene, the object is automatically aligned to the snap grid.

NoteWhen enabled, this snap only applies to the grid defined in Action. The grid defined from the Grid & Guides menu remains visible, but its snap is overridden as long as the Action Snap is enabled.