Entering Non-Latin Text

When entering non-Latin text characters make sure the required kinput2, canna, and Wnn6 packages are installed.

The following example illustrates entering Japanese text in a text layer.

To enter Japanese text in a text layer:

  1. Start the canna daemon by typing /etc/init.d/canna start in a Linux terminal.
  2. Type the following commands in the terminal:
  3. Start your Autodesk application.
  4. Load a clip in the Text module.

    Notice the message bar that appears at the top of the screen. This indicates you are in Latin input mode.

    Show small imageShow large image

    (a) Message bar  

  5. Create a layer and click the Font field to select a Japanese font from the file browser. From the Text Mode box, select Edit and then select the layer in the image window.

    When you type text, notice that you are still in Latin input mode.

    Show small imageShow large image

  6. Press your Input Method hot key.

    The message bar changes to indicate that you are in Japanese text mode.

    Show small imageShow large image

    (a) Message bar  

  7. Type text, as required.
  8. Press Enter to accept the characters and add them to the text layer.

    Show small imageShow large image

  9. To revert back to Latin input mode, press the Input Method hot key again.