Saving to Clip Libraries

Use the Save command in the Library menu to save a clip, reel, or desktop to the current clip library.

NoteYou cannot save clips, reels, or desktops to read-only clip libraries.

To save a clip, reel, or desktop to a clip library:

  1. In the Main menu, click Library.
  2. From the Clip Library box on the desktop, select the clip library where you want to save the item.
  3. Click Save in the Library menu.

    The cursor changes to a red selection arrow and the Media Type box appears.

  4. Select an option from the Media Type box.

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    Select: To save:
    Clip A clip or soft edit to the current clip library.
    Reel A reel to the current clip library.
    Desktop The desktop to the current clip library.

    When you select Clip or Reel, the selection cursor remains. When you select Desktop, a Confirm button appears.

  5. Do one of the following:

    If the clip has a resolution that does not match the project resolution, the timecodes or frame numbers that appear on the clip on the desktop and in the clip library are light blue.

    The on-screen keyboard appears.

  6. Type a name for the clip, reel, or desktop and press Enter.

    If the clip, reel, or desktop already has a name, the name appears in the Name Entry field. You can change the name, or press Enter to accept the existing one.

  7. If there are already one or more entries in the clip library with the same name and of the same type that you are saving, a warning message states that an entry with the same name already exists and the Add, Replace, and Rename buttons appear.

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    Click: To:
    Add Add the clip, reel, or desktop to the clip library. You will have two entries with the same name in the clip library.
    Replace Replace the existing entry or entries with the clip, reel, or desktop you are saving.
    Rename Enter a different name for the clip, reel, or desktop you are saving.

    To cancel the operation, click elsewhere in the menu.