Setting Default Image Resolution Characteristics on Import

You can force a common aspect ratio, scan mode, and frame rate for all images selected for import.

Alternatively, you can use the Default Resolutions list to set the aspect ratio, scan mode, and frame rate for the import based on the width and height of the individual image. This is useful when you want to import multiple images of varying dimensions.

To force a common aspect ratio, scan mode, and frame rate:

  1. In the Import Image menu, disable Resize.

    Only the Aspect Ratio box and the Aspect Ratio field remain enabled in the Resize options.

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    (a) Framerate box  (b) Aspect Ratio box  (c) Aspect Ratio field  (d) Field Dominance box  

  2. Select a value from the Aspect Ratio box or enter a value in the Aspect Ratio field.

    Specifying a unique aspect ratio in the Aspect Ratio field causes the Aspect Ratio box to show Custom automatically.

    Specifying Default allows you to apply a preset resolution from the Default Resolutions list.

  3. Use the Field Dominance box and the Framerate box to set the scan mode and frame rate, respectively, for all the selected images.

To use the Default Resolutions list to determine aspect ratio, scan mode, and frame rate:

  1. In the Aspect Ratio box, select Default.
  2. To view/edit the Default Resolutions list, click Default Resolutions. See Default Resolutions List.

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