Overriding Default 2:3 Pulldown Configuration Tape-to-Tape

You can override default 2:3 pulldown configuration options on a tape-to-tape basis. Do so when you are provided with tapes that have a 2:3 pulldown sequence that does not match the default settings, or to disable 2:3 removal for tapes that contain native 30 fps material.

To override default 2:3 pulldown configuration tape-to-tape:

  1. In the Import EDL menu, enable View Tape List.

    The tape list displays information about each tape referenced by currently loaded EDLs.

  2. To view 2:3 pulldown configuration information, click the triangle on the left of the tape entry to expand its contents.

    Columns indicate whether 2:3 removal is enabled, and, if it is, the reference frame and type for the 2:3 sequence on the tape.

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  3. Drag over the entry in the 2:3 Removal column to turn 2:3 removal on or off.
  4. To set the reference frame, enter a timecode in the Ref Frame column.
  5. To set the reference frame type, drag over the Ref Type column.