Assigning Audio Input Strips to Output Strips

Use the Output Strip assignment boxes to assign the audio signals from the AudioDesk input strips to different output strips. You can assign a signal from any input strip to any output strip. You can mix all signals from the track faders down to one output strip, or assign the signals to any combination of two output strips.

To assign audio to output strips:

  1. Ensure that each audio track in the timeline that you want to work with is assigned to an AudioDesk input strip. See Assigning an Audio Track to an AudioDesk Input Strip.
  2. From the Output Strip assignment box for the input strip you want to assign, select the output strip you want. For example, to assign input strips 1 and 2 to output strips 2 and 5:
    Set this input strip: To this output strip:
    1 M2
    2 M5

You can monitor and play back audio in the Output Clip menu with any combination of audio pan and assignation settings.

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(a) Pan fader  (b) Output Strip assignment box