Setting Proxy Management Options

Proxies are low-resolution copies of high-resolution images, one for each frame. Set proxy management options to specify how and when proxies are generated for clips used in the project.

To set proxy management options:

  1. From the Proxy Management option box, select an option.
    TipTo change proxy management options for a current project, you must access the Project Management menu from the Preferences menu.

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    Select: To store:
    Proxies Off No proxies, no matter what resolution clips you work with.
    Proxies On Proxies for all clips larger than the proxy width you set for all proxies.
    Conditional Proxies only for clips that meet conditional criteria, for example, clips that exceed a width of 1000 pixels.
  2. If you selected Proxies On or Conditional, specify the proxy size by doing one of the following:

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    TipWhen the proxy and full resolution clip have the same bit depth, proxies are not stored for clips that are the same width as the proxy width. For example, if you set proxy width to 720, your project will not store proxies for NTSC clips (720x486). If the bit depth of the full resolution clip is greater than that of the proxy, proxies are stored for clips with the same width as the proxy.

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    Proxies always have the same aspect ratio as the full-resolution clip. The width of proxies for clips with the default resolution corresponding to the scale value you set is displayed in the Width field.

  3. If you selected Proxies Conditional, set your conditional criteria:

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    NoteThese two settings are not mutually exclusive. For example, if you enter a value of 1000 in the Frame Width field and enable Depth > 8-bit, a 12-bit clip with a width of 720 will get proxies as long as the project proxy width is less than 720.
  4. From the Proxy Quality box, set the quality of the proxy image for viewing purposes.

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    Proxy quality affects processing and proxy generation duration since lower qualities are faster to calculate. However, the quality does not affect the amount of framestore space required for proxies.

    Select: To specify:
    Draft The lowest possible quality. This is the quality used when proxies are generated automatically following video I/O.
    Coarse The next highest quality after Draft.
    Medium The next highest quality after Coarse.
    Quality The next highest quality after Medium.
    Bicubic The highest possible quality.
  5. From the Proxy Bit Depth box, select the bit depth for proxies.

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    Select: To set:
    Depth: 8-bit The proxy bit depth to 8 bits.
    Depth: Full Res The proxy bit depth to be the same bit depth as that of the clip.