When you apply media to a surface, you either have to add a new surface or apply media to an existing surface. You can then add displacement and lighting effects, or change the surface's properties such as its shape, transparency, and specular highlight. Once added, the media appears in the Media list.
The first time you open Action during a session, an image surface is added to the scene using the first media (if Auto Image is enabled in the Action Setup menu). You must add a surface for each additional media before its clips can be used in the scene.
Manipulating an Object's Axis.
You control the position of the surface using axis, rotation, scale, shear, and other attributes related to its placement. SeeTo add a surface:
Changing the Shape of a Surface.
By default, a Flat surface is added. You can change the surface type in the Shape box of the Surface menu. SeeThe surface is added to the scene with its own axis. The selected media in the Media list is automatically applied to the surface. Notice that when media is applied to the image surface, the front and matte clip are combined. You can turn off the matte to show the entire front clip. See