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Moving Keyframes

Editing Keyframes

Selecting Multiple Keyframes and Channels
Snapping Keyframes between Frames
keyframes fall between frames and need to be snapped back. This
may occur when using a function such as XScale, after importing
animated material from another application, or when using the Track
Editor to change the timing of an animation.
fix keyframes that fall between frames:
- In
the Channel Editor, select a channel or group of keyframes.
- From
the Curve Functions box, select FrmSnap.
All selected keyframes snap to the closest frame.
snap keyframes to frames as you drag tracks:
- Do
one of the following:
- Select
Filter from the Animation Controls box and then enable Track Snap.
- Hold Alt+Z as you drag a track with its
left or right handle.
NoteIf Track Snap is enabled and you drag a
track holding Alt+Z, the opposite
effect occurs: keyframes can fall between frames.
After the track is scaled in time, its keyframes
snap to the closest frame.