RGB Blur Node

Use the RGB Blur node to apply a blur filter to a clip. You can animate a blur using the Channel Editor. This node accepts a front clip and a matte clip, and outputs a result and output matte clip. The output matte clip can have a different level of blur than the result clip.

Apply the Regen button to update the image as you change blur settings.

This node supports floating-point (OpenEXR) clip input.

To blur a colour image:

  1. In the RGB Blur Type box, select Gaussian or Box.

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  2. If you want the image to be equally blurred horizontally and vertically, enable Proportional or hold down the Alt key as you change a value. If Pixel Ratio is enabled, the image is blurred using the same proportion as its aspect ratio.
  3. If you want to use pixels that are proportional to image aspect ratio, enable Pixel Ratio.
  4. If you want to set the same values for the result and the output matte simultaneously, enable Lock.
  5. Set the width and height of the blur. Increasing the blur increases the processing time.
  6. If you want to set the width and height of the blur for the matte in the MHeight and MWidth fields, respectively, disable Lock and set the values.

To create a radial blur:

  1. In the RGB Blur Type box, select Radial.

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  2. In the Radial Blur Type box, select Spin to blur pixels in a single direction, or Twist to blur pixels in two directions.
  3. If you want to set the same values for the result and the output matte simultaneously, enable Lock.
  4. Set the amount of the blur and the angle of rotation. Increasing the blur increases the processing time.
  5. If you want to set the amount of the blur and the angle of rotation for the matte in the MAmount and MAngle fields, respectively, disable Lock and set the values.
  6. Move the red circle on the image to set the centre of the blur. The position corresponds to the X and Y values in the Centre fields.

To create a directional blur:

  1. In the RGB Blur Type box, select Directional.

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  2. If you want to set the same values for the result and the output matte simultaneously, enable Lock.
  3. Set the radius amount and angle of the blur (at a default angle of zero, the blur is horizontal). Increasing the blur increases the processing time.
  4. If you want to set the radius amount and the angle of blur for the matte in the MAmount and MAngle fields, respectively, disable Lock and set the values.