Consolidating Clips

If you want to limit the number of head and tail frames on a clip, you can consolidate the audio and/or video on the clip. When several soft effects exist on a clip, the intermediate renders of these effects are kept. This procedure deletes media and frees up space on the framestore.

To consolidate clips, use the Consolidate controls in the Tools menu.

You can also use the Consolidate menu to delete intermediate and source history frames. See Deleting Sources and Intermediates.

To consolidate the audio and/or video on a clip:

  1. Select a single clip or hold Ctrl and select multiple clips in the clip library.
  2. Click Tools.
  3. From the Tools menu, click Consolidate.

    The Consolidate controls appear.

    Show small imageShow large image

    (a) Consolidate option box  (b)  Handles field  

  4. Select Audio, Video, or All Tracks from the Consolidate option box to determine which tracks will be affected by the consolidate operation.
  5. In the Handles field, set the maximum number of head and tail frames that you want to retain after consolidating the clip.
  6. Click Consolidate and confirm the operation.