Effects > Distort > 
Warping Example

You can create many warps on a single input clip. Each destination spline offset from its source creates a warp on the clip. The following is an example of a simple warp.

To create a warp:

  1. Once a spline shape has been made, click Warp to display the Warp menu.
  2. From the View box, display the Result view to see the spline shape over the input clip.
  3. Set the timebar positioner to the effect's first frame.
  4. From the Warp menu, enable Source.

    All Input1 source splines are displayed.

  5. If necessary, adjust the vertices of the shape by moving points or curve handles.
    TipTo prevent the warping of the clip as you edit a spline, make sure Link Src & Dst is selected in the Link box. Otherwise, as you edit either a source or destination spline, it will be offset from its corresponding source or destination—this is what will eventually create your warp. You can toggle between Link Src & Dst and Enable Warp by pressing the W hot key.
  6. Set the timebar positioner to the effect's final frame.
  7. From the Link box, select Distort.

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  8. Enable Destination, and then adjust the vertices of the shape by moving points or curve handles. Edits to the destination spline-based shape will produce immediate warping.
  9. Refine the warp as necessary. See Refining Distortions.