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Home: Flint
Resetting the Shift Data

Tracking Difficult Shots and Correcting Errors

Positioning the Tracker Box Manually
Adjusting the Size of the Tracker Box
If the Stabilizer cannot find the reference point
within the boundaries of the tracker box during analysis, the tracker
box will stray from the reference point and produce incorrect keyframes.
Although you can manually correct these keyframes, it is easier
to make the tracker box large enough to accommodate the movement
of the reference point. Note that processing time increases as the
size of the tracker box increases. See
Resizing the Reference and Tracker Boxes.
adjust the size of the tracker box:
- Press
on the pen or hold down the left mouse button to stop the analysis.
NoteMake sure to press below the timeline to
avoid moving the tracker box.
- Go
back to the last good frame before the tracker box strayed from
the reference point.
- Adjust
the size of the tracker box so that it is large enough to accommodate
the largest frame-to-frame movement of the reference point.
- Click
Snap, and then click Analyse.