Saving Edited Clips to the Clip Library

When you have edited clips automatically saved to the library, they are saved to a library called _Edited_. The soft clips associated with the setup are saved in a reel in the _Edited_ library. Their name is composed of the project name appended by the Batch setup name. When you load a Batch setup, the soft clips are loaded from this reel. Therefore, these soft clips comprise part of the data required to load your Batch setup.

WarningDo not delete the _Edited_ clip library or any of its clips unless you are sure that you no longer need your Batch setups or you have archived them.

To save an edited clip to the _Edited library:

  1. Click the General tab of the Preferences menu, and then enable Use Edited Library in the Batch Editing section.
    NoteYou cannot change this preference when you are already in a a Batch session.
  2. Bring a clip into Batch and edit it.
  3. Click Save.
  4. Name the Batch setup and click Save again.
  5. When you want to edit the Batch setup, go into Batch, click Load Batch, and load the setup.
    NoteYou can also load the Batch setup by accessing the _Edited library through the Library node.

Backups of Soft Clips

Changes you make to clips in the timeline are saved every time the Batch backup is performed. The soft clips are saved in the _Edited_ clip library, in a reel name composed of the project name appended by _session. These backed up clips remain in the reel until you start a new Batch session. When you start a session, the clips are deleted and a new projectname_session reel is started.

If the application crashes, when you re-start the application and enter Batch, you have the option of reloading the autosaved Batch setup. If you confirm, your edited clips are also reloaded from the projectname_session reel.

When a clip has been changed in the timeline, the clip proxy information in the Batch schematic changes. An [E] appears after the clip name and the clip name appears in blue rather than white. Once an edited clip has been autosaved to the _Edited_ library, it is no longer linked to the version of the clip on the desktop. Therefore, if you make changes to the desktop version, they will not be reflected in the clip in Batch.