Creating an Audio Tone Clip

You can create an audio-only clip containing up to eight audio tracks of silence, or audio tone at the frequency and level that you specify. Audio Tone clips appear with waveforms in their proxies in the clip library and on the EditDesk. You can record out the audio tone clip to tape to ensure that the audio levels are adjusted correctly.

To create an audio tone clip:

  1. From the Main menu, select Editing.
  2. From the Editing menu, select Audio Tools.
  3. From the Audio Tools box, select Tone.

    The Tone options appear.

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    (a) Audio Tools box (b) Frequency box  (c) Audio Tracks box  (d) Start Time field  (e) Timecode mode box  (f) Duration field  

  4. Select the frequency.
    NoteSelecting Silence will still create an audio clip, but the audio track(s) will have a flat waveform at -infinity dB.
  5. Select the timecode mode.
  6. Set the start time in the Start Time field.
  7. Set the duration in the Duration field.
  8. Select the number of audio tracks. There will be one tone for each track.
  9. Select the destination.

    Audio-Tone clips are displayed with waveforms in the proxy.