Supported Formats (-f option)

The following formats are supported by imcopy.

Image Format Default Extension
Alias als
Cineon (none)
DPX (none)
Pixar picio
Pict pict
JPEG jpeg
SGI sgi
Softimage pic
Targa tga
TdiMaya iff
Tiff tif
Wavefront rla

Converting File Formats

To convert an image from one format to another using imcopy, you must specify which file to convert, where the file is located, the format it should be converted to, and where to store the file on output.


imcopy -f <output format> <in file name and path> <out file name and path> <start index> <stop index>

Where: Is:
<output format> The file type of the output file.
<in file name and path> The name of the file that you are inputting.
<out file name and path> The name of the file that you are outputting.
<start index> The start frame of the file.
<stop index> The end frame of the file.


imcopy -f tiff /usr/tmp/SGI/source%04d.sgi /usr/tmp/TIFF/dest%04d.tif 1 100

This operation converts the SGI images into TIFF images.

Input Output
/usr/tmp/SGI/source0001.sgi /usr/tmp/TIFF/source/dest0001.tif
/usr/tmp/SGI/source0002.sgi /usr/tmp/TIFF/source/dest0002.tif
/usr/tmp/SGI/source0100.sgi /usr/tmp/TIFF/source/dest0100.tif

Converting 10-bit Cineon Images

Digital film scans often consist of logarithmic data. Because Flame algorithms are optimized for linear data, a LUT is often used on import to convert the gamma and correct the logarithmic data for a linear data environment. Since Cineon images contain 10-bit logarithmic data, you need to use a LUT to convert the 10-bit logarithmic data to 8-, 10- or 12-bit linear. You can use one of the LUTs provided, or create a custom LUT and use it with imcopy to import Cineon files directly into the framestore. See Colour Management with LUTs.

Extracting an Alpha Channel from an RGBA Image

You can use the -x option to extract the alpha channel from your RGBA image. The RGBA infile will be split into two RGB outfiles; the destination_alpha_filename file will contain only the alpha channel of the inRGBA_file, and the outRGB_file will contain only the RGB components of the inRGBA_file.

NoteThe -x option expects an additional parameter. “-x noinvert” means that the alpha component will be extracted as is. “-x invert” will extract and invert the alpha component.


imcopy -x noinvert <in RGBA file> <destination for RGB and alpha files> <start index> <stop index>

Where: Is:
<in RGBA file> The name of the file that you are inputting.
<destination for RGB and alpha files> The name of the file that you are outputting.
<start index> The start frame of the file.
<stop index> The end frame of the file.


imcopy -x noinvert /usr/tmp/SGI/source%04d.sgi

/usr/discreet/clip/stonefs/NTSC/MyLib@myclip 1 100

This example takes the SGI RGBA images in the sequence and creates two clips in the MyLib library on the NTSC project of the framestore stonefs.

Input Output
/usr/tmp/SGI/source0001.sgi RGB in frame 1 of myclip, Alpha in frame 1 of myclip_alpha
/usr/tmp/SGI/source0002.sgi RGB in frame 2 of myclip, Alpha in frame 2 of myclip_alpha
/usr/tmp/SGI/source0100.sgi RGB in frame 100 of myclip, Alpha in frame 100 of myclip_alpha

On output, the clip myclip contains the RGB image, and the clip myclip_alpha contains the alpha channel of the original image.

Integrating an Alpha Channel into an RGB Image

You can use the -a option to combine an alpha (matte) infile and an RGB infile to produce an RGBA outfile.

NoteWhen reading a matte from the RGB framestore, imcopy will only take information from the image's red channel.


imcopy -a <in matte file> <in RGB file> <out RGBA file>

Where: Is:
<in matte file> The name and path of the source matte file.
<in RGB file> The name and path of the source RGB file.
<out RGBA file> The name of the result RGBA file.


imcopy -a /usr/discreet/clip/stonefs/NTSC/MyLib@myclip_alpha /usr/discreet/clip/stonefs/NTSC/MyLib@myclip /usr/tmp/SGI/dest%04d.sgi 1 100

This example takes the RGB data from myclip in the MyLib clip library in project NTSC on framestore stonefs, combines it with the matte clip myclip_alpha, and generates an SGI RGBA for the first 100 frames.

Input Output
RGB from frame 1 of myclip and Alpha from frame 1 of myclip_alpha /usr/tmp/SGI/dest0001.sgi
RGB from frame 2 of myclip and Alpha from frame 2 of myclip_alpha /usr/tmp/SGI/dest0002.sgi
RGB from frame 100 of myclip and Alpha from frame 100 of myclip_alpha /usr/tmp/SGI/dest0100.sgi

Cropping an Image

If you want to import a section of your source image only, you can specify the origin of this section with the -o (x position, y position) option. You can specify the size of this section with the -s (width, height) option.

The size of the internal buffer is specified with the -d (width, height) option. By default, the size of the internal buffer is the same as the width and height of the source image. If the buffer size differs from the source image, resize the selected rectangle from the source image into the internal buffer size using the -k (cropping type) option.

The -q option can be used to specify the quality of resizing: coarse, medium, quality or bicubic.

NoteIf you are importing an image to the framestore, the specified width and height parameters of the framestore are used to define the destination size of your image.

Cropping the Frames

You can crop the source frames using the -k option. The available options are as follows.

Option Function
-k crop Centres and crops the image. -b r, g, b, or a can be used to specify the colour for the cropped part of the image (default is black).
-k fit Scales the longest edge to fit the frame size. Unused parts of the frame are filled with black.
-k fitall Scales the shortest edge to fit the frame size and crops the longest edge. The frame will be filled and part of the original image will be missing.
-k fitboth Stretches or squeezes the image to fill the new resolution. This option scales the X and Y dimensions of the image non-proportionately to make it fit in the current frame. This changes the aspect ratio, which results in a distorted image.

Adjusting Bit Depths

By default, the internal buffer has a depth of 8 bits. If your source image has a depth greater than 8 bits, you should specify an internal buffer depth of 12 bits using the -i 12 option to avoid truncating data to 8 bits per component. This changes the buffer depth from 8 bits to 12 bits.

Once the desired area of the source image has been cropped and resized and the bit depth has been converted into the internal buffer, the image is written to the destination. If the destination is an image file, the image file format will be the same as the input format. You can use the -f (image format) option to specify a different image format. By default, imcopy outputs images with 8-bit depth. Use the -e (bit depth) option to override the default setting.

Source Image Bit Depth Option Parameter
16-bit (TIFF, SGI, Wavefront, Tdi/Maya) -e 16
10-bit (Cineon, DPX) -e 10
NoteBy default, if you write an image file with more than 8 bits per component into an 8-bit internal buffer, imcopy will only preserve the 8 most significant bits. To avoid this, specify an input LUT with the -l option to convert the source image bit depth to the internal buffer bit depth. For example, if using the default 8-bit internal buffer depth (-i 8), you could use the 10logto8 LUT provided. Or, for a 12-bit internal buffer depth (-i 12), you could use the 10logto12 LUT provided. See Colour Management with LUTs.