Searching for Clips from the Desktop

You can use the Search menu to find a clip on the desktop or to load clips from clip libraries associated with the current project that meet the search criteria to the desktop.

To search for a clip:

  1. From the desktop, click Search.

    The Search menu appears.

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    (a) Search Mode box  (b) Search Attribute box  (c) Argument option box  (d) Search Area box  (e) Search Result Mode box  

  2. From the Search Mode box, select Clip.
  3. From the Search Result Mode box, select an option.
    Select: To:
    Get All Matches At Once Display all matches at once.
    Get Matches One By One Display the total number of matches, and then provide the means of viewing them one-by-one using the Previous Match and Next Match buttons.
  4. From the Search Area box, select an option.
    Select: To search:
    Desktop The desktop.
    Libraries Clip libraries associated with the current project.
  5. Set the Search Criteria: select options from the Search Attribute and Argument boxes, and supply the necessary search information.
    Attribute option: Searches for: Using one of these arguments:
    Comment A comment Is; Is Not; Contains; Does Not Contain; Is Less Than; Is Greater Than; Matches Pattern
    Tape A tape name or number Is; Is Not; Contains; Does Not Contain; Is Less Than; Is Greater Than; Matches Pattern
    Archive Date Archive dates Is Equal To; Is Not Equal To; Is Earlier Than; Is Later Than; Never; Whenever
    Clip History Clip histories Contains; Does Not Contain; Intermediates; Intermediates+Src; Sources

    When you search using the Intermediates, Intermediates+Src, and Sources options, you are prompted to select a clip that has a clip history. The intermediates and sources matched by the search are those associated with the selected clip.
    Soft Import Soft imports Contains; Does Not Contain
    Soft Edit Soft edits Contains; Does Not Contain
    Mixed Res Soft or hard resizes Contains; Does Not Contain
    Resolution A clip resolution Is Equal To; Is Not Equal To; Is Less Than; Is Greater Than; Is Less Or Equal; Is Greater Or Equal

    When you search using the Resolution option, other controls appear so you can specify resolution attributes such as width, height, bit depth, aspect ratio, and scan mode. You can also choose to ignore any of these attributes.

    Audio Audio Contains; Does Not Contain
    Duration A clip duration Is Greater Than; Is Less Than; Is Equal To; Is Not Equal To
    Date A date Is Earlier Than; Is Later Than; Is Equal To; Is Not Equal To
    RecTC A record timecode Is Greater Than; Is Less Than; Is Equal To; Is Not Equal To; Contains; Does Not Contain
    SrcTC A source timecode Is Greater Than; Is Less Than; Is Equal To; Is Not Equal To; Contains; Does Not Contain
    Name A clip name Is; Is Not; Contains; Does Not Contain; Is Less Than; Is Greater Than; Matches Pattern
  6. To restrict the search to strings that match in case as well as content, enable Case Sensitive.
  7. In the Search menu, click Search.

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    (a) Search button  (b) Next match button  

    Results are displayed depending on the option you selected in step 3:

    The message bar reports which reel the match resides on and how many matches were found. If no matches are found, the message “No matches” appears in the message bar.

  8. If you selected Get Matches One By One, click Next Match to continue checking additional matches.