Working with 3D Geometry

You can change and animate parameters such as the colour, specular highlight, shine, and transparency of 3D models. You set these parameters using the Geometry menu. To access this menu, double-click a Geometry node in the schematic, or follow the tab population rules for the Object menu (see Selecting Objects and Populating Menu Tabs).

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The Geometry controls are described as follows.

Specular fieldsSet the colour of light reflected by the 3D model's surface. To enable the specular highlight, the Shine value must be larger than zero. Enter values in the Specular red, green, and blue channel fields or use the colour picker.

Ambient fieldsSet colour to the area of the 3D model that is not illuminated by a direct light source. The edge of the ambient area mixes with the specular highlight colour and the diffuse colour. Enter values in the Ambient red, green, and blue channel fields or use the colour picker.

Diffuse fieldsModify the colour and illumination of the entire 3D model. Diffuse light mixes with the colour of the light sources used to illuminate the 3D model. The diffuse colour may also mix with the ambient colour and the colour of the specular highlight.

Change the colour of the 3D model by entering values in the Diffuse red, green, and blue channel fields or by using the colour picker.

Shine fieldSets the intensity of the specular highlight. When this value is zero, the specular highlight is disabled. Shine affects both size and intensity. See Creating a Specular Highlight on a Model.

Transp fieldIncreases or decreases the transparency of the 3D model or text.

Blend boxUses a regular blend to composite the object in the scene. Alternatively, you can use additive blend to add the colours of the object to the colours of what lies behind it. You may have to change transparency to see the effect.

Sort Order boxSorts the drawing priority of the 3D model normals either back-to-front or front-to-back.

Select: To:
Shade Both Draw the polygons that are both facing and opposite the camera.
Shade Front Draw the polygons facing the camera last.
Shade Back Draw the polygons opposite the camera last. This option is especially useful for semi-transparent models

Submaterials buttonUses materials imported with 3ds Max models only.

Replace Texture buttonReplaces an existing texture on an imported model that already has a defined submaterial.

Subdivide button and fieldCreate high-quality shading for polygon models. Use the Subdivide field to enter the maximum polygon side length.

Wireframe buttonDisplays your model or 3D text as a wireframe outline only. When you render the 3D model or text with Wireframe enabled, it retains its light, shading, and texture attributes.

Sort buttonDetermines how the 3D model or text is drawn according to its normals.