Exporting OMF Files

When you export a clip as an OMF file, the file is saved in a directory in the filesystem. You can load an OMF file from the directory into another application, or transfer it to another platform.

To complete a project, you can also export an edited clip to an OMF file with embedded audio media. That way, any audio finishing systems supporting OMF format can read the file. Audio-only information and audio media is exported. You should limit the size of an exported file to 2 gigabytes.

The following applications can read an OMF file exported from Flame:

  • Avid Media Composer
  • Avid Xpress DV
  • Digidesign® Pro Tools
  • Fairlight AV Transfer
  • Neve AMS
  • Avid Symphony
  • Avid Xpress PRO
  • Steinberg Nuendo
  • Cubase™
  • Merging Pyramix

The following information is exported:

  • Clips with multiple audio tracks
  • Cuts and linear dissolves
  • Up to 8 audio tracks per file
  • Audio patching information

The following information is not exported:

  • Video tracks
  • Audio soft effects
  • EQ Desk settings
  • Audio animation
  • AudioDesk settings
  • Audio timestretch

In addition, the following restrictions must also be taken into account:

To export an OMF file:

  1. In the clip library, select the clip or clips that you want to export.
  2. In the Clip Library menu, from the Export Interchange Format box, select OMF.

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  3. Click Export.

    The Export EDL menu appears.

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    (a) Track table  (b) Clip List  (c) Audio Sample Rate box  (d) Limit Handles field

  4. Select the clip to export in the Clip List.
  5. Enable the tracks to export in the Track table. See Track Table.
  6. Optional: enable Generate Audio Media.

    The audio is saved as a separate file.

  7. Optional: enable Limit Handles to export the source clip with a specified maximum number of frames before and after the edit.

    Enter a value for the number of frames used before and after the edit in the Limit Handles field.

  8. Click Generate.

    The file browser appears.

  9. Specify the location of the exported file and the filename, and then click Save.

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    NoteTo avoid file name compatibility issues upon export, underscores will be substituted in your file name in place of any of the following characters: ` # ~ @ $ % ^ & * ( ) [ ] { } < > \ | / ! ? , ; : ' "

    The OMF file is exported to the specified location.