Install the Mudbox Help

The Mudbox Help is provided in an HTML format and is linked from Mudbox to an Autodesk Web server by default. You must have Internet access to view the Help.

This approach provides you with the most up-to-date version of the Help content while allowing Autodesk to make updates between software releases.

If you do not have reliable Internet access you can download the Mudbox Help from the Autodesk Web site and install it locally as follows.

  1. Navigate to the Mudbox Documentation Web site at and download the Mudbox Help .zip file.

  2. Extract the Mudbox Help files to a directory of your choice, for example:
    • (Windows) C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Mudbox2011 Subscription Advantage Pack\help\docs
    • (Mac OS X) /Applications/Autodesk/Mudbox2011.5/
    • (Linux) /usr/autodesk/mudbox2011.5/help/docs
    NoteThese paths assume Mudbox is installed in the default path on your computer and are used as the default Help Path.
  3. Launch Mudbox, and select:
    • (Windows and Linux) Windows > Preferences
    • (Mac OS X) Mudbox > Preferences
  4. In the Preferences window, open the User Interface section, and set the Get Help From option to Local Machine/Network.

    The Help Path field becomes available for editing. When Get Help From is set to Local Machine/Network, this path is set by default to the example paths listed in step 2.

  5. Set the Local Machine/Network path to point to the location where you unzipped the Mudbox Help files.

    The next time you select Help > Mudbox Help , Mudbox launches the help content from the new path you specify.

    NoteThere is currently no automated mechanism within Mudbox for checking that a locally installed version of the Mudbox Help is up to date. You can check the Autodesk Mudbox documentation Web site occasionally to see if the Mudbox Help version date is different from the one you installed. A date stamp appears at the bottom of the Mudbox Help home page.