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Mudbox Help

Opens the Mudbox documentation in a web browser. (Hotkey: F1)

Learning Path

Launches the Mudbox Learning Path web site, which lists many resources for learning Mudbox.

Learning Movies

Opens the Welcome window, letting you view the 1-minute learning movies.

QuickStart Tutorial

Launches the QuickStart tutorial in the Mudbox Help. This tutorial covers the basic features in Mudbox.

Training Videos

Launches a Mudbox web site, linking to additional learning videos.

What’s New

Launches the Mudbox Help in a web browser and displays What's new in the current version.

Support Center

Launches the technical support web site for Mudbox.

Subscription Center

Launches the Autodesk Subscription Center web site. Subscription customers have access to programs that include technical support, learning resources, and software updates.


Links to the The Area web site, the Autodesk user community for artists and animators.

AREA Mudbox Forums

Links to the Mudbox user forums on The Area web site.

Report a Problem

Launches the Autodesk Services and Support web site, letting you report any issues with Mudbox.

Suggest a Feature

Launches the Autodesk Services and Support web site, letting you suggest new features.

Customer Involvement Program

Opens the Autodesk Customer Involvement Program (CIP) window. You can participate in this program which provides Autodesk with data on how you use Mudbox. By participating in the program, you add valuable input that helps Autodesk product managers, designers, engineers, and testers understand how to improve your overall experience with Autodesk software.

System Information

Displays system information for your computer (operating system version, memory, processor, and video graphics card) that may be useful when troubleshooting problems or reporting issues with Autodesk technical support.

Certified Hardware

Launches the Autodesk web site to a page that lists qualified computer and graphics card configurations certified to work with Mudbox.

Buy Mudbox

Launches a Mudbox web site with links to information on purchasing Mudbox.

About Mudbox

Displays the Mudbox version, legal notices, and other information.

Related topics

Learning resources