Zoom, track, and tumble the 3D View

To work efficiently in Mudbox, you must be able to view and sculpt your 3D model from many points of view. You do this by adjusting the position of the viewing (perspective) camera in relation to your model by dollying (zooming), tracking (panning), or tumbling (orbiting) the camera.

NoteMudbox uses a three-button configuration for camera actions similar to Autodesk® Maya®.


Keyboard Shortcut:

(Windows and LInux)

Keyboard Shortcut:

(Mac OS X)


Rotate the camera

Alt + drag

Alt + drag

The camera rotates about its center of interest.

Track the camera

Alt + Middle-drag

Alt + Middle-drag

The camera moves in a sideways motion.

Dolly the camera

Alt + Right-drag

Alt + Right-drag

The camera moves toward its center of interest. You can also dolly using the scroll wheel if your mouse has this feature.

NoteFor Maya users familiar with dollying using the left and middle mouse buttons, this key combination is also supported.

Roll the camera

Shift + Middle-drag

Shift + Middle-drag

The camera rolls about its barrel.

Focus on a location



Place your cursor over the model and press the F key. The location beneath the cursor becomes the camera's center of interest.

Frame All



Repositions the camera so that all visible geometry is within the camera's field of view.