Environment variables

Environment variables are text strings that contain information to dynamically configure a software application when it is launched. For example, to specify a particular drive, directory path, preference setting, or file name.

Environment variables can be set locally for a single user account by the user or more globally for an entire system of users by a system administrator.

In Mudbox, the following environment variables can be set to configure Mudbox in specific areas. They are intended to be optional, and address specific situations that are not encountered by the majority of users.

For information on setting environment variables for your system, consult the documentation for your specific operating system.

Environment Variable Platform Usage/Notes:



Overrides the default directory path specified for Mudbox (Windows only) to address a limitation where directory paths containing double-byte characters (such as found in Japanese, Korean, Chinese languages) cannot be read or written to for user settings and preferences.

When this variable is set, user settings and preferences are stored in a sub-directory of the specified path(s).

Users data files are also stored by default to a sub-directory of this path, but this path can be modified using the window that appears when Mudbox is first launched.

This environment variable must be:

  • Set to an absolute directory path that already exists.
  • Set to a value/path that contains single-byte characters (Latin alphabet) only.



Overrides the amount of graphics card (GPU) memory that Mudbox detects. This addresses a limitation on some systems where Mudbox detects an incorrect GPU memory value, causing unnecessary warnings to appear as you work with layers.

Set this value between 256 and 4096 MB. For example, if Mudbox reports 1 MB of memory and your GPU actually has 1.5 GB, set this variable to 1536 (1.5 * 1024). Non-numerical values are ignored.

TipTo determine whether Mudbox detects an incorrect memory value, verify your GPU memory in the nVidia or ATI Control Panel, then compare to the value listed in Mudbox (Help > System Information.)



Forces Mudbox to use low-res cursor position values from your tablet in order to correct a problem where the cursor can appear offset from your sculpting if Stamp Spacing is on. This can occur on some Wacom Cintiq tablets. Set this environment variable if you use your tablet in Mouse mode and experience this limitation.

ImportantMouse mode is not recommended when using your tablet with Mudbox.



Disables the warning message that automatically appears at startup if Mudbox detects that the graphics hardware and or related drivers on the computer do not match qualified specifications.

Non-qualified graphics hardware and related drivers are unsupported and can adversely affect the operation of the application. For more information, see http://www.autodesk.com/mudbox-hardware.


Mac OS X

Disables the warning message that appears at startup when Mudbox detects that the Macintosh operating system does not meet the minimum hardware qualifications.

Use of a non-qualified operating system may adversely affect the expected operation of the application. For more information, see http://www.autodesk.com/mudbox-systemrequirements.



Specifies that TIFF image files are exported from Mudbox by default without LZW compression. A value is not required for this environment variable.

This provides compatibility for software applications that do not support LZW compression in TIFF image files.



Forces Mudbox to flush texture caches on the GPU after each brush draw of the Paint tool, fixing a paint corruption issue that can occur with some graphics card drivers.

WarningSetting this environment variable does have a negative effect on painting performance. Set only if you experience display artifacts while painting.



Mudbox searches for plug-ins at specific locations, depending on your operating system. Use this environment variable to specify additional search paths for plug-ins.

For a description of the default search paths, see File environment.

For example, in a production environment, multiple users can share plug-ins placed in a common location (server) or in a project-specific location.

You can specify absolute paths or relative directory paths. When relative paths are specified the variable: $MUDBOX_LOCATION should precede the relative file path. For example, if Mudbox is installed on Windows at C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Mudbox2011 this becomes the value used by the $MUDBOX_LOCATION variable. In that situation the relative path specified might be: $MUDBOX_LOCATION\plugins\game_project_plugins



This environment variable alters how the Smooth UVs property works when subdividing a model.

When this environment variable is set, the Smooth UVs property works as it did in Mudbox 2009. That is, the entire UV shell, including its UV borders, are smoothed when subdividing a model whenever the Smooth UVs property is turned on.

If this environment variable is not set, the default Mudbox 2010 UV smoothing behavior occurs. That is, smoothing only occurs for the interior UVs in a UV shell, leaving the UV shell border edges unsmoothed.

Which UV smoothing method you choose to use is entirely dependent on your individual rendering pipeline requirements and render application used.

For more information on the Smooth UVs property, see Mesh menu.