Viewport Filter properties

Tonemapper properties


Controls the overall brightness of the image that appears in the 3D View. Adjusting the Gamma property can assist in evaluating how the model/scene appears in another environment; for example, on film or a games console.

Luminance Max

Compresses or expands the tonal range that appears in the 3D View by resetting the value that gets used as a benchmark for white. Use this in conjunction with the Gamma property to adjust the contrast.

Adaption Time

Specifies the rate at which the Tonemapper refreshes the effect in the view. A higher number updates quicker than a lower number.

Adaption Epsilon

A bias setting for determining the priority for remapping the values in the 3D View.

Level Count

Specifies the amount of blur that occurs for the Glare effect.

Glare Scale

Specifies the intensity of the Glare effect in the 3D View. When negative values are entered interesting color effects are possible.

Glare Bias

Controls the spread of the glare effect. Increasing the bias limits the glare mostly to highlights areas.

Depth of Field properties

Depth of Field

Specifies the width (in centimeters) for the area of sharpest focus in the 3D View. Regions outside the Depth of Field get blurred based on the Blur Amount value.

Focus Distance

Specifies the distance (in centimeters) from the viewing camera to the center of the Depth of Field area. The Focus Distance is connected to the camera. That is, as you dolly the camera back and forth, so too moves the Depth of Field in relation to the object.

Blur Amount

Specifies the amount of blur that occurs outside the Depth of Field area when simulating the depth of field effect. Lower Blur Amount values blur everything outside the area defined by the Depth of Field to a lower degree than higher Blur Amount values.

Ambient Occlusion properties


Specifies the intensity of the ambient occlusion that occurs. When negative values are entered interesting color effects are possible (hot, glowing lava) as a color that is complementary to the Shadow Color is used.

Sample Radius

Specifies the radius of a sampling area (in screen space) that occurs and can be adjusted when required. Occlusion artifacts are possible when the radius is set incorrectly in relation to the features on the model. For example, large features may be missed when the radius is set too small, and a large radius setting may miss small features on a model.

Cutoff Radius

Specifies the distance the sampling rays travel from the sampling point into the scene to determine the presence of occluding objects. Decrease this value and the Sample Radius if you do not achieve an acceptable ambient occlusion effect on small objects. In most situations, the Cutoff Radius value should be kept lower than the Sample Radius.

Shadow Color

Specifies the color of the shadows produced by the ambient occlusion effect. Click the color tile to display the Paint Tool Color window, and edit the Shadow Color.


Good, Better, or Best specifies the number of occlusion samples that occur to improve the appearance of the ambient occlusion effect. The higher the Quality setting, the lower the overall refresh rate in the 3D View.

Screen Distance properties


Reverses the depth map effect to produce a negative image. What was white becomes black, and so on.

White Level

Determines the scale that white values are applied to the depth map effect. The effect is an increase or decrease in the contrast of white values.

Black Level

Determines the scale that black values are applied to the depth map effect. The effect is an increase or decrease in the contrast of black values.

Save 16 bit Image

Saves an image of the screen distance effect as it appears in the 3D View as a 16 bit RGBA TIFF image.

Normal Map properties


No user accessible properties exist for this feature.

Non-photorealistic properties

Noise Scale

Controls the smoothness of the stroke that is drawn around outside edges and features on models in the 3D View. When Noise Amplitude is set to 0, this feature has no effect.

Noise Amplitude

Controls the distortion of the stroke that is drawn along the outside edges and features of models in the 3D View. This parameter works in combination with Noise Scale.

Pencil Scale

Controls the thickness of the stroke that is drawn along the outside perimeter of objects in the 3D View.

Fill Noise Amplitude

Controls the smoothness of the fill regions that are drawn for models in the 3D View. Increasing this value causes the fill to bleed outside of the stroke region much like a watercolor might do on piece of paper.

Fill Paper Noise Amplitude

Applies a rubbing effect on the textured background to enhance the effect of a textured paper. When Fray Strength is set to 0, this feature has no effect.

Gradient Width

Increases the buildup of the rubbing effect produced by the Fill Paper Noise Amplitude property. Set this in combination with Fill Paper Noise Amplitude and Fray Strength.

Fray Strength

Increases or decreases the extent of the effect produced by the Fill Paper Noise Amplitude property.

nVidia AO filter properties

The nVidia AO properties viewport filter is available for use on computers using late model nVidia graphics cards. This feature is not supported for use on other graphics cards. It is provided as an alternate to the Ambient Occlusion filter.

Nb Dirs

The number of occlusion samples used to evaluate the occlusion for a given pixel. The quality of the ambient occlusion effect generally improves as this value is increased at a cost of decreased system performance (dollying, tracking, tumbling).

Nb Steps

Specifies the step size between each sample specified by the Nb Dirs property. In general, this value should match the Nb Dirs value if you want equal distances between samples.


Distance the occlusion sample travels when sampling. Causes farther away objects to contribute shadow when the value is increased. Lowering the Radius limits the shadow effect to closer proximity to the sampled pixel.


Specifies a falloff distance so objects further away from the sampled mesh contribute more or less to the resulting shadow effect.


Lightens or darkens the resulting occlusion shadow effect.

Randomize Dirs

Randomizes the direction for the occlusion samples. When this property is on, the Nb Steps property setting is ignored.

Blur Radius

Increases the occlusion sample area used to determine how much softening occurs for the resulting ambient occlusion effect.

Ambient Blend

Controls how the shadow color blends with the diffuse color (in a manner similar to the Contrast property).

Show AO Results

Turns off any diffuse shadowing and displays only the shadow effect produced by the ambient occlusion filter. Default is on.

Related topics

Using the Tonemapper filter

Using the Depth of Field filter

Using the Ambient Occlusion filter

Using the Screen Distance filter

Using the Normal Map filter

Using the Non-photorealistic filter

Using the NVidia Ambient Occlusion filter