Qt > 
Qt installation

MotionBuilder uses Qt 4.5 LGPL built with MS Visual C++ 2008 (version 9) with Service Pack 1. You must compile your plugins with the same compiler.

MotionBuilder does not ship with Qt headers, libraries, utilities and executables (like moc.exe). You must download the Qt SDK and compile it yourself for Visual Studio.

To work with MotionBuilder, a plugin developed with Qt must be linked with a release version of Qt (even if the plugin is compiled in debug). In the ortoolqttest project, see Properties > Configuration Properties > Linker > Input > Additionnal Dependencies > QtCore4.lib and QtGui4.lib.

32-bit Qt setup

  1. Download and run the Qt Framework installer (qt-win-opensource-4.5.3-mingw.exe) from http://qt.nokia.com/downloads/windows-cpp. Usually it installs to C:\Qt\4.5.3.
  2. In Visual Studio 2008, choose Tools > Visual Studio Command Prompt.
  3. Change directory to C:\Qt\4.5.1 (or where it was installed), and at the prompt type: configure.
  4. When prompted for the license type, choose "o" (open source) to build Qt with the LGPL license.
  5. When the configuration has finished, at the same prompt type: nmake. This compiles Qt, and can take a very long time, possibly hours.
  6. If you have a 64-bit machine, you may optionally setup Qt for building 64-bit plugins.

64-bit Qt setup

  1. 64-bit DLLs and binaries must be in their own directory. If you already compiled 32-bit Qt, then install qt-win-opensource-4.5.1-mingw.exe in an additional separate directory, e.g. C:\Qt\4.5.1_x64. Ensure the bin directory of your Qt distribution includes qmake.exe and moc.exe.
  2. Windows Start > Programs > Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 > Visual Studio Tools > Visual Studio 2008 x64 Cross Tools Command Prompt.
  3. cd to C:\Qt\4.5.1_x64 (or where it was installed) and at the prompt type: configure
  4. When prompted for the license type, choose "o" (open source) to build Qt with the LGPL license.
  5. When the configuration has finished, at the prompt type: nmake.