In the MotionBuilder
UI, a model can be any object in a scene, created using geometry.
Models can represent simple objects like cubes, or complex objects
like characters.In the MotionBuilder SDK, FBModel is a base class
which is not used much directly, but is the parent of important
classes such as FBCamera, FBLight, and FBModelMarker.
It implements a number of widely-implemented
functions and attributes
- Clone(), FBDelete()
- UI attributes such as Show, Pickable,
and Visibility
- Positional atributes such as Rotation,
Scaling, and Translation.
The following Python
snippet shows how to create, show, scale, rotate, and delete a cube.
from pyfbsdk import *
myCube = FBModelCube("cube")
myCube.Show = True
myCube.Scaling = FBVector3d(40, 40, 20)
myCube.Rotation = FBVector3d(25, 16, 37)
There is a few ways to get a handle
on existing models in a scene:
- FBFindObjectsByName and FBFindObjectsByNamespace
return a list of objects matching a pattern (can contain *). For
usage, see:
- If you know the name of the model, use
FBFindModelByName, as demonstrated in
- FBGetSelectedModels can get a handle
to an object which is derived from FBModel. It searches the scene
for a model, based on the model's unique name and returns a list
of all the selected things in the scene.It searches the scene for
a model, based on the model's unique name and returns a list of
all the selected things in the scene.
- FBSelectObjectsByNamespace selects (or
deselects) objects in the current scene.
See also: